Inclusion Foundation is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the aim of providing supported housing schemes for a range of vulnerable client groups.
Our vision is to be a leading Charity across the UK providing much needed supported housing and accommodation to a range of vulnerable client groups across the UK.
Inclusion Foundation was established in September 2020 with the support of Inclusion Group. The Charity has ambitious plans which include delivery of our supported housing schemes for a range of vulnerable client groups.
The foundation will utilise investment for public benefit in particular the social purpose of providing flexible, innovative housing solutions and life opportunities for the vulnerable who require supported living, extra care and temporary accommodation.
Inclusion group is the parent company of a group developing, providing and funding health and social care housing for vulnerable adults across the uk, aiming to be a leading ethical investment company to provide flexible, innovative housing and service solutions and life opportunities in partnership.
Inclusion housing is a regulated community interest company and not for profit specialist housing provider. Inclusion housing is now firmly established as one of the united kingdom’s leading social enterprise companies for disadvantaged adults, providing flexible, innovative housing solutions and life opportunities in partnership.
Inclusion homes is a community interest company and not for profit specialist housing provider, aiming to be a leading landlord for disadvantaged adults, providing flexible, innovative housing solutions and life opportunities in partnership.
Inclusion property holdings is an investment and property holding company, providing and funding health and social care housing for vulnerable adults, aiming to be a leading ethical investment company to provide flexible, innovative housing and service solutions and life opportunities in partnership.